Please Note: Current Stock now uses the Xilinx FPGA, which is the original FPGA that was used prior to the Intel FPGA. The Intel FPGA's had been used in the past few batches, but they had some compatibility issues with some Sega hardware combinations. The Xilinx FPGA currently being used does not have any known compatibility issues.
The ultimate accessory for Genesis/Mega Drive. Complete FPGA recreation of the entire Mega-CD/Sega CD hardware into a plug and play Cartridge
World’s First Mega-CD/Sega CD FPGA Optical Disc Emulator
- Plays both major types of disc files
- RAM based cartridge for instant boot
- Compatible with all original and region free patched Mega-CD / Sega CD bios
- Supports Megadrive / Genesis, Sega CD / Mega-CD, Master System and 32X games (requires 32X add-on)
B.O.B. The Humans The Immortal Risky Woods Tinhead Zero Tolerance
Fully Supports original Megadrive and Genesis hardware (Nomad included but requires simple mod to get audio cd on sega cd games)
- Fully compatible with Analogue Mega Sg!
- Easy to use interface for navigating your collection with screenshots, genre, year and description
- Save State support for Megadrive and Genesis Cartridge games (8 slots)
- Built in cheat engine for Megadrive and Genesis cartridge games
- Emulates all different Genesis / Mega Drive / Master System / 32x cartridge mappers.
- Stores all different Genesis / Mega Drive / Master System / 32x cartridge saves into microsd card.
- Per game Mega-CD / Sega CD Backup RAM and Cartridge RAM stored into microsd card
- Master System FM Core
- In-Game menu for fast reboot and swapping games (Genesis / Megadrive and Mega-CD / Sega CD)
Enhanced Mega Drive games with CD audio and Mega-CD / Sega CD hardware (MSU1 like)
- 400GB Exfat microsd supported
Download the instruction manual in PDF (English)
X3 vs. X5 vs. X7 vs. MegaSD:
A) PIRACY – Stone Age Gamer Retroworks, Inc. ("Stone Age Gamer") does not support or condone piracy. Flash carts, ODEs (optical drive emulators), and similar devices Stone Age Gamer sells and supports are intended to be used only for the following purposes: development, playing games licensed by Stone Age Gamer for use with the product, and/or playing currently owned personally backed-up games and media where it is legal to do so. Stone Age Gamer does not offer support for any other use of this product.
B) PERSONAL BACK-UPS – In many territories it is legal to make back-ups for personal use and/or archival purposes, however it may not be legal in all territories. Please learn the national and local laws regarding this subject before making back-ups for personal use. Please note, in most territories "Personal Back-up" means exactly that; back-ups you made yourself of games you currently own. This often does not include back-ups obtained via other methods (i.e. downloading), even if it is a game you physically own.
C) DAMAGE – Neither Stone Age Gamer or the manufacturer is responsible for any damage of property this product may cause. This is a new product intended to be used on electronic hardware that exceeds two decades in age and Stone Age Gamer can’t guarantee the condition of such hardware. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
D) MODIFICATION & USE – Any unauthorized modification and/or non-intended use of this or any other flash cart product sold by Stone Age Gamer shall void both manufacturer and retailer warranties of that product.
E) CLONE / MODIFIED CONSOLES – Flash carts / ODEs were developed and intended to be used on un-modified original hardware using original hardware accessories. Stone Age Gamer does not guarantee flash cart / ODE operation on clone consoles or modified consoles. Flash carts / ODEs may operate on some clone consoles or modified consoles. However, due to power consumption changes, random hardware changes and/or firmware updates of those consoles we cannot offer a guarantee of flash cart compatibility. Any returns due to incompatibility with clone consoles or modified consoles will result in no refund of any shipping costs and a 10% restocking fee if no defect is found during testing.