
Jag BT Bluetooth Controller Adapter for Atari Jaguar - Humble Bazooka

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Jag BT Bluetooth Controller Adapter for Atari Jaguar - Humble Bazooka

The Jag BT is a Bluetooth controller adapter for the Atari Jaguar that allows you to connect Bluetooth controllers like the PS5, PS4, Xbox One, or even Nintendo Switch controllers.

The Jag BT runs on the BlueRetro platform by Jacques Gagnon. A portion of each sale is donated to Jacques to further support the platform.


  • Use various Bluetooth controllers with your Atari Jaguar
  • Low latency
  • Remappable buttons with save functionality
  • Atari Jaguar Number Pad mapped to analog sticks and shoulder buttons.
  • Easy to use web interface
  • Open source and user updatable
  • Plug & Play

Note about some homebrew games

Many homebrew games use a different method of handling controller inputs compared to almost all retail Jaguar games. This causes button mapping issues for the Jag BT that can’t be fixed solely through firmware updates. There is a solution but would require support from the homebrew community. Read More Here

Firmware greater than 1.8.3

There is a bug in newer firmware versions that can cause button glitching. It is recommended to keep the Jag BT on firmware 1.8.3 until the bug is fixed by the BlueRetro creator.

Quick Start Instructions


  1. With the adapter connected, power on your console.
  2. The adapter’s LED will slowly pulse indicating it’s ready to be paired to. If this is the first time powering on the adapter, it may take 30 seconds to start pulsing.
  3. Put your Bluetooth controller into the correct initial pairing mode (i.e. on a DualSense, press Share + Options).
  4. After the controller is initially paired, you can simply power on the controller for it to pair again. (i.e. press the PS button of the DualSense controller).

You can find more information like specific controller brand pairing instructions in the official BlueRetro Pairing Guide.

Button functions:

“R” Button:

Resets the adapter

“P” Button:

Short press (when a device paired already): Disconnect all Bluetooth devices from the adapter.
Short press (when no device is paired): Cancel Bluetooth inquiry mode (new pairing).
3 sec hold: Enable Bluetooth inquiry mode for pairing a new device.
10 sec hold: Factory resets the adapter to default configuration and clears Bluetooth pairing keys for devices previously paired.

LED Status:

Solid: An error occurred, try rebooting the adapter with the “R” button.
Pulsing: Bluetooth inquiry mode enable (new pairing).
Off: Controller connected.

Web Config Information:

Any time you connect to the Web Config, no controller should be paired to the adapter. Web Config is only supported on Desktop or Android Chrome. The full Web Config instructions can be found here. It will cover things like button mapping, turbo, presets, and more.

How to access the Web Config:

With the adapter connected to the console and the console powered on, navigate to to configure adapter.

Updating firmware via Web Config (OTA FW update):

Note: Expect around 5 minutes of update time on a PC and significantly longer on Android

  1. To download the latest firmware, navigate to
  2. Click the “Download Now” Button. You can donate or click “No thanks, just take me to the downloads”.
  3. Click the “Download” button next to the latest “HW1” firmware file.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file somewhere easy to access on your computer/phone.
  5. With the adapter connected to the console and the console powered on, open a tab/window in your web browser and navigate to
  6. Click “Connect BlueRetro” button.
  7. Select the “BlueRetro_hw1_jaguar.bin” file from the unzipped firmware file you just downloaded.
  8. The “Live Output” will scroll through with the update process. Allow it time to finish.

Visit the Official BlueRetro Instructions for more in-depth information.

Latency with controller:

  • PS4/PS5: ~5.4 ms
  • XBOX One: ~8.8 ms
  • Switch Pro: ~12.4 ms
  • PS3: ~12.8
  • WiiU Pro: ~13.2 ms
  • Wiimote: ~16.3 ms


8 Reviews

  • 5
    Cut The Cord!

    Posted by Tom on Mar 2nd 2025

    The JAG BT Bluetooth Controller Adapter significantly enhances the Atari Jaguar gaming experience. By cutting the cord and allowing the use of various wireless controllers with the console, it helps reduce the common wire nests that retro gamers often face. It also provides the freedom to play from different spots in the game room, which may have been limited by cable length before. The only downside is the inability to use original controller overlays with games that require them for the controller. I’m currently using this adapter with a PS5 DualSense® wireless controller, and it has been working great. While we all love the Jaguar controller (lol), if you’re accustomed to modern controller ergonomics, this product is for you!

  • 5
    Jag BT

    Posted by Malax on Feb 5th 2025

    I'm very satisfied with the adapter—it does exactly what it's supposed to.

    Tested controller:

    -PS4 Controller
    -Switch Pro Controller
    -8Bitdo Sn30 Pro
    All connected seamlessly without any issues and I had no Problem with responsiveness.

    I also own an original Jaguar controller, so I wanted to test the input lag as well.

    I couldn't notice any difference compared to the wired Jaguar controller (tested on a Thomson BlackPearl CRT). (Cybermorph)

    Among all, I will stick with the Ps4 controller

  • 5
    Works so great for exactly what I needed it for

    Posted by Nate Whitney on Dec 16th 2024

    I don't mind the Jaguar controller and I don't mind it being wired. The reason I needed this thing is for rapid fire for 2 games. Zero 5 and Raiden. I am able to use my 8 bit do SN30 pro which has rapid fire and it works perfect!

  • 5
    Jaguar BT

    Posted by Yogi6663 on Oct 29th 2024

    Exellent tool in helping me to use one controller on all consoles. And stock controllers for this console are awful and expensive

  • 5
    Jag bt

    Posted by Justin crane on Oct 17th 2024

    Works exactlyvas advertised. My switch controller feels great to hold and an oem controller costs over 100 bucks used

  • 5
    A robust wireless adapter for the Jaguar

    Posted by DioBrandoX on May 31st 2024

    I wanted a way to play my Jaguar wirelessly from across my Livingroom and the Jag BT delivers! I`m using a PS4 controller, which pairs just like it would on a PS4. Button mapping makes sense and you can even remapped buttons however you want. Having strafing mapped to the shoulder buttons for Doom and AvP is simply amazing. I was also surprised that the keypad is mapped to the analog sticks, so no loss of functionality! Lastly, I don`t know how they did it with bluetooth but there`s zero lag.

    The only negative is the lack of instructions. I initially had trouble pairing because I kept pressing the ``P`` button on the adapter, which apparently you shouldn`t do. Clearer instructions might be good to add somewhere.

  • 2

    Posted by Brian on Oct 24th 2023

    No problem syncing my PS4 controller, however once connected the buttons are unresponsive and inconsistent or it seems to get phantom signals. E.g. trying to play NBA Jam `turbo` would randomly turn off while holding the button down, and player would suddenly block or shoot when no button was pushed, or respond to the wrong button.

  • 4
    Flexible Reliable Wireless Option

    Posted by Cubeboy on Apr 8th 2023

    This is the perfect wireless option for the Atari Jaguar. Primarily using a WiiU Pro, and don`t notice any lag. Highly customizable. This is even able to replicate a Team/Multi Tap perfectly, even though only a few games support it.

    My reasons it didn`t get 5 stars is because the sync time is very short. You have to be quick to be ready to sync a new controller. Also, in order to sync a new controller, it first resets the settings you configured (if you save it as a team tap, it will reset it back to one controller). It would be nice if they switched things so a short press would initiate a new sync, and it lasted at least 30 seconds, with a long press being what disconnects all devices