
RetroTime NES HUB Bluetooth for NES

(8 reviews) Write a Review
RetroTime NES HUB Bluetooth for NES

Introducing the NES HUB!

A Bluetooth receiver unlike any other. Powered by BlueRetro, the NES HUB is able to connect to up to 4 controllers on your favourite console, through the use of a single hub, hidden away under the console! Not only that, but you can still use the original ports simultaneously, for sharing inputs on a single player game!

The NES HUB connected to the bottom of an NES-001 (other models not supported), to the otherwise unused Expansion port.

But it doesn't stop there! The NES HUB can also enable Expansion Audio, a special mode that allows some Famicom games to use more audio channel for a better audio experience. Finally, it exposes three ports for future add-ons that can make use of the CPU, Controller or other functionality! For example, our first available add-on called "SNES Add-on" allows you to connect your original SNES wired controllers and play your NES games with them!

Finally, the NES HUB is made with our completely custom injection moulded Expansion Port Connector, which snaps in perfectly to your console without the danger of slipping or damaging the Expansion Port!


  • The NES Hub is compatible with NES-001 consoles
  • Make sure the NES is powered OFF
  • remove the cover of the expansion port on the bottom of the console by cutting the small tabs with side cutters. You can also insert a slotted screwdriver next to the tabs and twist it.
  • plug the NES Hub into the expansion port like shown in the picture
  • route the antenna cable under the NES Hub board and to the side of the NES. Attach the antenna with the adhesive.
  • if you want to remove the NES Hub, gently wiggle it from side to side while pulling upwards, until it comes out of the NES.


  • The NES Hub allows the use of up to four Bluetooth controllers through the power of BlueRetro.
  • You can even use wired controllers simultaneously, e.g. if you want to share inputs in a single player game!


  • The “pair”-Button is located on the left side of the NES, slightly above the Addon-Port
  • To pair a controller, turn on the NES
  • The LED on the left side will start to flash, this indicates pairing mode is active
  • Pair the controller of your choice (consider the controller specific manual to put it into pairing mode)
  • After the controller is paired, it will automatically connect after a button press from now on.

Button functions

  • Short press (outside BT inquiry mode): Disconnect all Bluetooth devices from the adapter.
  • Short press (BT inquiry mode): Cancel Bluetooth pairing mode.
  • 3 second hold: Enable Bluetooth pairing mode (new pairing).
  • 10 sec hold: Factory resets the adapter to default configuration and clears BT pairing keys.

Web Config:

The Web Config is only available if no controller is connected. Supported only in Chrome Browser.

How to access the Web Config:

Power on system and connect via web Bluetooth at BlueRetro Config “BlueRetro Advance Config” to configure adapter. Button remapping and preset instructions can be found here.

To connect more than 2 controllers via Bluetooth, Multitap Config needs to be set to “Dual”. BlueRetro will then emulate a FourScore adapter.

To use a keyboard or mouse, set the Output Config Mode to Keyboard or Mouse


Updating firmware via Web Config (OTA FW update):

Download the latest firmware for “HW1” from the BlueRetro GitHub page. Unzip the firmware file. In Chrome browser, navigate to Blueretro Update. Click “Connect BlueRetro” button and connect to the BlueRetro instance showing up. Select the “BlueRetro_hw1_nes.bin” from the unzipped firmware folder. The “Live Output” will scroll through with the update process. On a PC, the update can take around 5 minutes. On Android, the update can take significantly longer


For more detailed information regarding BlueRetro, please visit the official documentation:

Expansion Audio

  • Expansion Audio allows some Famicom games and mods to use more audio channels
  • To enable expansion audio, switch the middle one (EXP6) of the three DIP-switches into the ON- position. If you have any other mods installed that make use of the EXP6 pin, you can also use EXP2 (left) OR EXP9 (right), if supported by your cartridge (e.g. Everdrive)
  • If your console already has an Expansion Audio Mod installed internally, leave all the switches in the OFF- position.


  • The NES Hub features three ports to connect Addons. They are labelled “CPU”, “CTRL” and “EXP”
  • If you want to use an Addon, connect it to the corresponding Addon-port on the NES Hub with the provided cable. For example the “Control-Addon” for using SNES and Famicom controllers to the “CTRL” port. Do not plug the cable into anything else! Only the NES Hub and the Addons!

Control Addon

  • The Control Addon allows the use of SNES Controllers on the NES. Additionally, Famicom Peripherals that use the 15 pin Famicom expansion port can be used together with the Japanese games they were designed for.
  • If you want to use Famicom Peripherals, make sure to auto-boot into the Japanese game, because game selection menus, like on everdrives, can’t be controlled with something plugged into the Famicom expansion port. See here on for information how to auto-boot into games,

8 Reviews

  • 5
    The best bluetooth / turbo option for NES

    Posted by Jason R on Mar 9th 2025

    I got this for a pretty specific reason . . . speedrunning an NES game with lots of text where both turbo and replicator are allowed (but I prefer to play on console). It was always kind of impossible to compete with replicator`s ``perfect`` 30hz autofire rate; you`d just have to get the best wired controller you could get (usually a SNES asciipad that gets you to about 20hz, plus you`d use an adapter) and not worry too much about the difference. But this has let me connect an actually comfortable bluetooth controller to my NES and being able to program in the autofire rate per button is huge. Kind of amazing that the exact accessory I needed showed up, but here it is. Works perfectly for me, even through long 12 hour play sessions.

  • 5
    RetroTime NES HUB Bluetooth for NES And add on adapter

    Posted by David Giraud on Mar 7th 2025

    Great add on for nes. Easy to install. Love everything about it absolutely recommend it.

  • 5
    One of the best mods for the NES

    Posted by Austin on Mar 7th 2025

    So simple to install. Works great. The ability to not have cord running from the console to where you play is a literal game changer, and the fact that this upgrade is so easy to install is just the icing on the cake. One of my favorite mods of all time.

  • 5
    It really was that easy

    Posted by Marc W. on Feb 26th 2025

    It literally just slotted in perfectly with no fuss, and it was done. Honestly was surprised at the build quality. And I can`t solder to save my life so this was great!

    I had one wireless adapter already but the cost of getting another one was so close to just getting this, plus I would get the expansion audio, multi-tap HUB functionality, and the upgradeern homebrew expansion ports included. It was a no brainer.

  • 5
    The RetroTime NES HUB Bluetooth

    Posted by Tony P. on Feb 26th 2025

    I bought this RetroTime hib bluetooth for NES a few weeks ago and found it very easy to install and it has made my NES gaming experience much more satisfying not to have to deal with wired controllers. I love that there is no cutting of the NES required at all. And while I`m not an expert on lag, I really didn`t notice any appreciable lag, and I play these games daily. I am just delighted that now I can use my NES and enjoy it with audio that just sounds so great. After being a little cautious at first, I now would recommend anyone to get this excellent add-on for their Nintendo Entertainment System.

  • 5

    Posted by Reviewer on Feb 22nd 2025

    I find this add on fantastic! Like the last person who reviewed this I also play on a CRT. There is very slight input lag which I hope is fixed with a later firmware update. I really only notice the lag playing super Mario Bros or in the last section of the Turbo Tunnel. I love the expansion audio support! Hearing the extra from the Japanese version of Castlevania 3 is like playing a brand new game. I have an Everdrive N8 which required no upgrade to use the expansion audio. Ive been waiting for a product like this for years. A huge thank you to the team behind the NES HUB!

  • 5
    Great addon

    Posted by Justin Foster on Feb 20th 2025

    Super easy to install and it has worked great so far. Im playing on a CRT and do not notice very much controller lag, if any. My only complaint is that finding NES bluetooth controllers wasn`t as easy as I thought it would be. I ended up buying the official Nintendo ones and they connected right away with no issues. It just was kind of surprising that I had to spend around 70 dollars for NES controllers to have that authentic NES feel. I havent tried it with any other bluetooth controllers like the PS5 controllers. This isn`t the HUBs fault it`s just something that I didn`t take into consideration.

  • 5
    Nes Hub Complete the NES

    Posted by Devin on Feb 14th 2025

    Just got this today and I am playing with wireless controllers and expanded audio! Now I can enjoy Pac-Man Champion Edition with full audio which sounds amazing! Easy to use and a great add-on for any NES-001!