- Mini size that fits in any official Genesis / Mega-drive system† (does not work with JVC X'EYE and will not work on the Nomad, even if its upgraded to work with SMS games)
- FM sound support! FM sound can be disabled by holding Pause button while powering on system.
- May work on some clone systems, but not guaranteed.* This will NOT work on the RetroN5.
- Pause Button
- Supports Master System carts**
Title Tested Notes After Burner Yes Alex Kidd: BMX Trial Yes Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars Yes Alien Syndrome Yes Altered Beast Yes Aztec Adventure Yes Blade Eagle 3-D 3D Yes Bomber Raid Yes California Games Yes Captain Silver Yes Casino Games Yes Chōonsenshi Borgman Cloud Master Yes Double Dragon Yes Fantasy Zone II Yes Fantasy Zone: The Maze Yes Galactic Protector Yes Galaxy Force Yes Game Box Série Esportes Radicais Game Box Série Lutas Golvellius: Valley of Doom Yes Great Golf Yes Kenseiden Yes Lord of the Sword Yes Maze Hunter 3-D 3D Yes Megumi Rescue Miracle Warriors: Seal of the Dark Lord Yes Mônica no Castelo do Dragão Out Run 3-D Yes Out Run Yes Parlour Games Yes Penguin Land Yes Phantasy Star Yes SMSPower Translation only Poseidon Wars 3-D 3D Yes Power Strike Yes R-Type Yes Rampage Yes Rastan Yes Rescue Mission Yes Scramble Spirits Yes SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative Yes Shinobi Yes Solomon's Key Space Harrier 3-D 3D Yes SpellCaster Yes Thunder Blade Yes Turma da Mônica em: O Resgate Wonder Boy in Monster Land Ys: The Vanished Omens Zaxxon 3-D 3D Yes Zillion 2: Tri Formation Yes
† Genesis 3 requires upgrade to work with Master System games. Does not work with with 32X attached.
* We do not guarantee operation on any specific clone hardware.
** Does NOT support Master System card games or any accessory that requires the card slot.