This PlayStation Reset Kit contains the necessary hardware to install into your Sony PlayStation Console to add a button configuration that will reset the PlayStation console right from your controller. This can be useful when using the system with a MODE, PSIO, or X-Station ODE to get back to their menus, or just to reboot your games without having to use the consoles reset button.
Mail in your PlayStation console* and have us do the installation with this bundle which includes the hardware kit plus a professional installation
PLEASE NOTE: Upgrading/Installation Services typically take between 1-3 weeks from the time the console is received until it ships back out. Please keep in mind that this is just an estimate and it can sometimes go over by a week or 2 during busy times.
Ship just your Playstation Console with invoice to:
(please no AV cables, power cables, or accessories)
Stone Age Gamer - PSX
378 E. State St.
Salem, OH 44460
*Shipping charge is for the return shipment of your console. You are responsible for mailing the console in to us. Upgrading Services typically take anywhere from 1 - 3 weeks to complete, after the hardware has been received.