
In-Game Reset Kit for PlayStation - PyroESP

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In-Game Reset Kit for PlayStation - PyroESP

This PlayStation Reset Kit contains the necessary hardware to install into your Sony PlayStation Console to add a button configuration that will reset the PlayStation console.  This can be useful when using the system with a MODE, PSIO, or X-Station ODE to get back to their menus, or just to reboot your games without having to use the consoles reset button.  

 WARNING: We consider this an Intermediate Level upgrade. Meaning only those with experience soldering and disassembling systems should attempt this upgrade. Stone Age Gamer, nor the manufacturer, will warranty upgrades that are not done properly. Use at your own risk.  If you do not feel comfortable installing this Reset kit yourself we highly suggest using our install service which you can find here.

 Each KIT contains a Reset Chip + wires. 

The In-Game-Reset upgrade kit for Sony PlayStation allows you to reset the console from the comfort of
your own seat using the controller. It has the most benefits when used with Xstation, ,MODE, or PSIO ODE's as it allows resetting via a controller  button combination to get back to the game select menu.

The button combination for the controllers is:
L2 + R2 + SELECT + START, for a short reset pulse ( Restart to Game)
L2 + R2 + SELECT + CROSS, for a long reset pulse (Reset to MODE, Xstation Menu)
The lightgun combination is:
A + B + TRIGGER, for a long reset pulse

The installation requires soldering seven wires with no trace cuts.

Instructions manual showing installation schematics and button configurations can be found here

*Original design by PryoESP


17 Reviews

  • 4
    Don't have to get up off the couch anymore!!!

    Posted by SplashAF on Sep 10th 2021

    Nice and easy upgrade that pairs exceptionally well with an ODE (xStation, PSIO, Mode, etc).

    Kit was pretty easy to install. Took my time, pre-tinned everything beforehand, and used plenty of flux.

    I'd give it an extra star if it came in a convenient flex cable form factor, but still great nonetheless.

  • 5
    Awesome Product!

    Posted by Vincent Hase on Aug 18th 2021

    Works perfectly with my XStation. And, even for a relative novice like myself, I took my time and managed not to make a mess of it while soldering the wires into place. Very happy!

  • 5
    Works like a champ!

    Posted by John M. on Jul 14th 2021

    Was very easy to install on the NTSC 5501 I tried it on. Both long and short reset pulses work perfectly!

  • 4
    A must if you have the xstation!

    Posted by Jay on Jun 23rd 2021

    This plus a brook adapter is a great quality of life upgrade.
    Its an open-source project so you could build one yourself but at this price its much simpler to just buy one

  • 5
    IGR Kit

    Posted by astro on Jun 2nd 2021

    Easy to install and just works every time. Paired with the Xstation this is awesome! For the price just get it.

  • 5
    Need this with and ODE

    Posted by Jason Meeks on May 23rd 2021

    This pairs perfect if you have an ODE. no more getting up to change games if you're streaming them.
    The wire supplied is very thin so be careful cutting and stripping them. I'd almost suggest not even stripping, but instead touch iron to the end to melt and expose a 1/16 of wire, then heat up the solder point it goes to and poke wire into that because that will also melt some of the sheathing.

    Most of the solder points are small and near others. So flux it up, take your time.
    I give it a beginner to medium solder skill.

  • 5
    This is the upgrade you've been looking for!

    Posted by Marc on May 15th 2021

    I purchased two of these. One to use with an xStation and the other with a PSIO. Works very well with both! Works great with a Brooks adapter and PS4 controller too.

    Install was fairly simple on both motherboard revisions I set up.

    TLDR, Couldn't be happier! You should buy one!

  • 5
    Works great. Easy install!

    Posted by Jason on Apr 25th 2021

    This chip adds a reset function to my ps1. The chip is very easy to install if you have basic beginner to intermediate soldering skills. Didn't have a compatible ps1 to install the ps1 digital (which has a reset option built in) but With my xstation, I can now reset the console without ever getting out of my chair!