PLEASE NOTE: Upgrading/Installation Services typically take 1 - 3 weeks from the time we receive the console, however during periods of high demand it could take an extra week or 2. The return shipping cost of this service is NOT eligible for flat rate shipping (actual shipping will be calculated at checkout for return shipping service).
upgradeS: upgrades should have no affect on this upgrade. However, Stone Age Gamer offers no responsibility for a preexisting upgrades. While rare, there could be a scenario where Stone Age Gamer has to replace your motherboard. We would not replace or reimburse the customer for any preexisting upgrade. If for some reason your upgrade is found to be incompatible with the MODE product Stone Age Gamer is not responsible for replacing or reimbursing the customer.
Ship only your Nintendo NES Console (please no AV cables, power cables, or accessories) along with your NES HiDef hardware, and also include a printed invoice. Please send to:
Stone Age Gamer - Mods
378 E. State St.
Salem, OH 44460
PLEASE READ: We highly suggest insuring your shipment to us. We are not responsible for any damage until the console is received and inspected. Your console must be in working order when inspected. We are not a repair service, we only provide the installation of the HiDef NES product. Do NOT ship your console to us without purchasing this service first.
This service DOES NOT include the NES Digital hardware. You must send both the NES HDMI kit and console for upgrade for this service.
About Hi-Def NES Kit:
Uses the nintendo’s cpu and ppu.
Fully HDMI standards compliant, tested with an HDMI analyzer.
No frame buffer so NO LAG between controller and monitor.
Using ntsc cpu/ppu: 480p, 720p, 1080p
Using pal cpu/ppu: 567p, 720p, 1080p
Kit will auto detect which chips it’s connected to.
EDID will allow only as high a res as the monitor will handle, but there is the option to turn it off and force higher res.
Aspect ratio will be user adjustable in the menu, seen as horizontal stretch in the menu.
Multiple palettes and a black & white mode will be user select-able in the menu.
Over clocking with hot keys with option to have it not mess up the sound pitch by following ppu clock instead of cpu.
User can reconfigure all hot keys.
Hot keys can be set to be read on either controller 1 or 2.
Long and short console reset via controller hot keys.
Updating firmware can be done via an “.nes” file, via flashcart etc, if necessary.
All audio is generated in the kit, so it will be %100 digital and theoretically noise free.
User will be able to control each audio source volume independently.
User will be able to pan between left and right output of each source independently.
All expansion audio chips are programmed in to the kit, simply turn the one you need on or off.
The cart or file you’re playing does not need the actual hardware for this to work! VID LINK
7 scaling options are included:
Main scaling menu has: HQ2X, HQ3X, HQ4X, scale 2X, and scale 3X.
Plus a bonus x-ray mode.
In 1080p60 height sub menu there is also 4x and 4.5x.
(added later and couldn’t be placed in same ares)
Several scanlines options: none, nes, 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x.
4x scaling mode helps with even scanlines.
Tested and working with some known problem carts, multi carts, powerpak, and everdrive.
Guaranteed compatible with E, G, and H rev NTSC cpu and ppu only.
This is another reason the kit will not work in the original famicom, those usually have chip revs that cause issues.
Tested and working with PAL cpu and ppu no rev and A rev.