
The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum

SAG Podcast 527: Why Would Anyone Do This?

SAG Podcast 527: Why Would Anyone Do This?

Kris Randazzo
2 minute read

Talking NES to SNES Ports with Rumbleminze     

Show Notes

On this week’s podcast, Dan and Kris chat with programmer Rumbleminze! He’s been working on porting NES games to the Super NES. Why would anyone do this? Well, turns out there’s a number of really interesting reasons, and they discuss all of them ad nauseum. They also talk about Kid Icarus a LOT. Because Kid Icarus is awesome.   

At the top of the show, Dan has a heck of a week ahead of him, what with his treatments starting soon. But in far less important news, Kris needs YET ANOTHER new toaster, and spends way too much time complaining about how crappy new televisions are. Also, he spent some time with his friends testing out the 8-player mode in Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition, and the results were interesting to say the least!   

Finally, in Week Old News, GameStop continues to be the worst, some crazy person put a CRT into a Game Boy, Everybody 1-2 Switch inexplicably tops the Australian charts, and more. Enjoy! 

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