
The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum

SAG Podcast 526: SAG Cartoon Express - In Search of the King

SAG Podcast 526: SAG Cartoon Express - In Search of the King

Kris Randazzo
2 minute read

Yuge on the Scrooge.     

Show Notes

On this week’s podcast, Dan, Kris, and Dean climb aboard the SAG Cartoon Express to discuss the Captain N: The Game Master episode “In Search of the King.” Why is the King SO MUCH older than his daughter? How the heck did he get stuck in the Mirror Dimension in the first place? Why is everything in this show credited to Nintendo? So many questions, and so few answers.

At the top of the show, Dan finally gets his diagnosis, and has a plan of attack. Dean gets kicked out of his apartment, but gets a new house in the process, or at least the promise of a new house, and Kris gets a new TV, and can’t figure out how to make it not look like garbage. Meanwhile, Dan starts working through the Castlevania series in chronological order, and Dean and Kris played some games too, but none as interesting as Castlevania.

Finally, in Week Old News, more layoffs hit Bungie, GameStop tries to drive home the importance of physical media while unceremoniously canceling their physical magazine, Minecraft meets Tetris, an unreleased Lemmings arcade port gets a cabinet, and more. Enjoy the podcast!

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