Super GC+ Kit - SNES controller on GameCube / Wii
This kit is designed to convert your Super Nintendo or Super Famicom controller into a Gamecube and Wii compatible controller. The kit contains a GC+ 2.0, a carrier board, a GCC cable, a rumble motor, and a zip tie. You will need to provide your own Super Nintendo controller for this build.
The Problem
The GameCube and Wii have a huge library of games that can be played on them including homebrew, virtual console, gameboy player, retail games, and more. While many of these games feel great on the traditional gamecube controller, many older and 2D titles benefit greatly from a quality dpad.
The Solution
The Super Nintendo controller fits this role perfectly, so we designed a drop-in replacement circuit board to convert it into a GameCube controller. By using original controller parts and button membranes, the authentic feel of the original snes controller is perfectly preserved. The kit is no-cut and completely reversible too, allowing the SNES controller to be returned to its original state in the future if desired. This project can also bring new life to SNES controllers that have been destroyed by corrosion, electrical damage, or cable damage.
Buttons and Rumble
Our controller features gold contacts for the face buttons, along with support for rumble using the included rumble motor. The Dpad, face buttons, and start button are all mapped to their respective gamecube counterparts, while the select button is mapped to Z by default. This mapping is very suitable for not only GameBoy Player content, but all the retro classics playable on the GameCube and Wii. Compilations on retail discs, virtual console, homebrew, and anything compatible with a standard gamecube controller are all compatible.
A place to start
Some limited soldering is required, but this is by design. Many newcomers to the world of console upgrades struggle to find a project to start with. Our replacement board features 11 thru-hole-to-wire connections and 27 large castellation-to-surface-mount-pad connections. This offers a soldering project well suited for beginners, and a breeze for seasoned veterans.
Go Further
This product was made with tinkerers in mind. This product uses a modular GC+ 2.0, allowing for setting customization and remapping through the GC+ app on GameCube or Wii. Additionally unused GC+ pins are present, easy to access, and left floating. Savvy and creative users can fully upgrade the SNES controller shell to the ends of their imagination using virtually any buttons or analog sticks thanks to the versatility of GC+ 2.0’s stick calibration tool.