*Requires Retrode / Retrode2
This plug-in adapter offers support for Game Boy cartridges of all generations (Classic, Color, Advance).
Use with original Retrode or Retrode 2 devices
*Requires Retrode / Retrode2
This plug-in adapter offers support for Game Boy cartridges of all generations (Classic, Color, Advance).
Use with original Retrode or Retrode 2 devices
The Game Boy Adapter for Retrode 2 is great for backing up old GameBoy games. I ordered from QLD, Australia and the product arrived ahead of the scheduled time in good working condition. I would happily purchase from StoneAgeGamer again.
I bought this to go with the Retrode 2 with the sole intention of backing up my original saves on my original cartridges. While that was good for my original GB games, I am disappointed that I am unable to backup my GBA saves. I hope there is a firmware update to rectify this someday.
I plugged in the USB, a cartridge, and I was on my way to backup up the ROMs for stacks of my old games. The Retrode is the epitome of plug-and-play usability. This is exactly the product I needed and couldn't imagine how it could be any easier.
It was hard to find this online. I am happy StoneAgeGamer had it in stock. Item arrived in great condition, nicely packaged. Worked like a charm! Was able to back-up all my Sega Genesis/Game Boy and N64 Games [ with adapters ]
Works perfectly! The Retrode 2 is great, letting you pull file and save data from your cartridges. This adapter allows you to do that for the Nintendo handheld carts.
If you're on this site you probably have a good idea about what happens when your save battery dies. This is a great way to preserve your saves, swap the battery and then restore your save to the cart.
Don't lose all those hours you sunk into your GB games, buy this and expand your Retrode 2 and preserve your hard work for future play!
Very easy to use. May take one or two tries for it to read but after that you can drag and drop.
Batteries die! Your childhood Pokemon leave forever! Not anymore -- With this adapter for the Retrode, you can rest assured that your saves will be preserved even if you have to change your battery. After you back up your save onto your computer, you can easily dump your save back into the cartridge. By default, the Retrode is write-protected, so don't forget to go into the CFG file and turn off save protection!
This is a perfect companion product to the Retrode 2! As I mentioned in my Retrode 2 review, I've always wanted to back up childhood saves, and as of late I've had a desire to also dump ROMs from my own personal carts rather than downloading them.
Anyway, this product does a fantastic job of doing both action for original Gameboy Games and Gameboy Color games. The only bit of imperfection this add-on comes with its handling of GBA titles. It can dump the ROMs, but not the saves. However, considering that there are a million other ways to dump GBA saves, I'm not too concerned. This is still basically a perfect product in my book, and WELL worth the 5 star rating I'm giving.
Not to mention, Stone Age Gamer has some of the best customer service I've ever dealt with. Please give them your business!