
Console "RetroBright" De-Yellowing Service + "Ultra Sonic Cleaning" + UV Protectant

(10 reviews) Write a Review

This service is intended to bring back the natural color if you game console.  Yellowing is generally caused by the ABS plastics that were used back in the 80's and 90's which were "brominated" - combined with bromine as a fire retardant to meet fire safety standards.  Yellowing is caused by both bromine and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light.  This process for removing the yellowing uses a mixture of hydrogen peroxide along with U/V lamps to bring the yellowing out*. 


Your console will also be ran through our "Ultra Sonic Cleaner" which removes all the dirt and grime that gets on the surface of your console.  

Lastly, we add a UV Protectant spray which will guard against future fading / yellowing due to UV light, and also gives the console a nice glossy sheen!  


Ship just your Console with invoice to:
(please no AV cables, power cables, or accessories)
Stone Age Gamer - Mods
378 E. State St.
Salem, OH 44460


*There is still some debate over the long-term effectiveness of this technique. There are also some concerns that the process weakens the plastic.  We cannot guarantee this process to have long term effectiveness, nor can we guarantee the plastics will not be weakened.  Please use this service at your own risk, as we cannot be held responsible for future problems you may have.  



10 Reviews

  • 5
    Retrobright & ultrasonic cleaning

    Posted by Andrew on Aug 28th 2021

    My Super Famicom was promptly taken care of and shipped back to me looking new! I didn't send it in the worst condition, but it definitely had some discoloration including some yellowing around the middle, and it came back gray like it's supposed to and without any dirt anywhere. Thank you!