
The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum

Stone Age Gaming: Mega Man NES Collection

Stone Age Gaming: Mega Man NES Collection

Kris Randazzo
48 minute read

Mega Man is great! Particularly those all-time classic NES games. This time on Stone Age Gaming, Kris unpacks his "complete" NES Mega Man collection to talk about why he loves them, and then dives into more Mega Man goodness including the likes of Mega Man Soccer, the Blue Bomber's sole Game Gear outing, a Tiger LCD game, and more!

EverDrive-N8 Pro (Jumpman Gray) [NES]

EverDrive-N8 Pro (Jumpman Gray) [NES]


This is the Jumpman Gray version of the EverDrive-N8 Pro for the NES. It comes assembled in a gray shell with Jumpman style label.… read more

Transcript of the video:

Well, okay, let's get started with the original. The classic Mega man here is the original Mega man for NES. This is my complete copy. Him complete. I used that word loosely. I'm actually not 100% sure if I have the manuals for all these. We're about to find out. So, let's take a closer look at the box, get it out of its protector here and get that glare off my camera. And here it is. This is not the first run of the box. There is an earlier printing that had a, circle in the middle here. I think it was like reflective or whatever, but it's the same box art. It's the original game. Here on the back, we're talking about Captain Commando, the channel. It's part of the challenge series. And here is, this description on the back here. It's Mega man versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of monster Opolis. That strange, multi-layered land of robot like humanoids created by the wrongly, by the wrongly performed experiments with human beings, by Doctor Wily. That's an interesting sentence. So this is, I love this, whole trade dress. Trade dress? Is that the right word, that Capcom had going on back there with these weird grids in the in the background, Gunsmoke looked like this. Ghosts and goblins looked like this stuff. Cracking inside the box. Let's see what we've got inside of this state of the art high resolution graphics game. I have here's the cart and the manual, so take a closer look at the cart. First. There is one. This is my copy. This matches the box. Because there was a the older version had the circle seal on it. And yeah, you can see it's a little discolored up here on the front because I used to have these games all sitting up on, on shelves. Like with this facing out, I think the sun got to these, but I could be wrong. Anyways, let's take a look at the real fun stuff. The manual. A nice close up of that hideous artwork, that infamous hideous artwork. But look on the back, it's a great little drawing of . Look. Look at you, fella. Premier worldwide arcade game designer. Capcom. Sunnyvale, California. Look at that. You can call that number right now. I have no idea what would happen if you did. Probably wouldn't get Capcom. So here we go. We got a special message from Captain Commando. Oh, boy. Thank you for selecting exciting and fun filled Mega man, one of our exclusive family of computer home video games from Capcom's Captain Commando Challenge series. Oh, how nice of you, to to congratulate me on my purchase. Mister. Mister. Captain Commando with your long 80s hair, which is now what you look like in Marvel VRS. Capcom. I'll tell you that much. We got to play this drawing. I love this artwork on these old things. The Yoshiki that used to show up in a bunch of old, Capcom games. I like how they hit you right up front with this magnet beam, like, because it's so unexplained in the game itself. But when you're, when you're looking through the manual, I kind of know. Makes things make sense. And here's all this classic artwork. I love this artwork. And you seeing it in this, black and white, outline dish form is really kind of kind of cool. Let's see. Cut man. Designed to function as a lumberjack. Powerful sawtooth, scissor like instrument. Protrudes from head capable of knowing through giant forest timbers. I feel like that sentence was missing a few words. But you got those for all the all six, the original Robot Masters and Doctor Light. Wait, was this light or. Right? It was this. With the exception of, you know, this is doctor, right? This is before we, changed him back to make it the universally accepted doctor light. And we're kind of going back and forth on light or. Right. And all these older games. This is kind of neat because that looks like the Famicom controller. Not not necessarily like the NES controller. So that's kind of fun that they didn't really, do anything to localize that little bit there. But this is the first . These are the old days and that wonderful artwork and got blader met and flea spine octopus battery. What makes that an octopus? There's nothing about that that says octopus to me. Oh man, I love it. I love all these weird names. Pickett man. Bom bom beak. Okay, big guy, I love. They're all worth these a certain amount of points. There's Doctor Wily, there's this same artwork from the beginning again. And that is, that's Mega man one, the very first Mega man for NES. All. I'll. It's wondrous splendor. I don't have a. Oh, there's a sleeve in here. I just don't have the, the styrofoam to to keep it in place. But let us move on. Next up we have Mega man two. This is probably the game that most people played first in this series. I know it's the first one that I played, because the original Mega man wasn't a huge success. Mega man two, on the other hand, was, was it was a really big deal. And this is my this is my copy from when I was a kid. Still in. It's still in its box, which is a little warped. I don't know how well that comes through on the video here, but it's got this really strange warping action going on there. I again, I can feel it moving around. I don't have the styrofoam, block in here. I'm going to need to get some more of those styrofoam blocks. We even sell them at Stone Age Gamer. And yet here I am. Not, full of my own styrofoam blocks from these games. Anyway, so here's the box for two. This is from Capcom and moved on to this kind of indigo outline, which is, they stuck with throughout the end of their, their line. But they did change it up a bit, like the Capcom game pack that got removed and just became Capcom, and I did. We'll, we'll we'll see all those. And look at Captain Commando, What an upgrade. Check this fella out. He's got a little, alien sidekick up there. Let's see, captain Commando here. Look to me for up to date reports on all the exciting action games from Capcom. Until next time. Well, thanks, buddy. We've got that cool dog. He's back. And this time, the evil Doctor Wily. Once the supreme power in the universe. Doctor Wily was once the supreme power in the universe. I do not remember that, that's created even more sinister robots to mount his attack. But as Mega man, you've also grown in power and ability. Can you save mankind from the evil Doctor Wily? This is super awesome. So let's take a look at what's inside. Crack open the box here and let's get my Megaman two and instruction manual there's the sleeve is still stuck in the box, but that's fine. We don't need the sleeve. Here is the cartridge. Once again. You can see it is discolored on the front there because these two have these all lined up. But there you go. There's the cartridge for, two on on the. Yes. It's the one I had when I was a kid, and it is still here in all of its slightly discolored glory. And now on to the instruction manual. Oh, we've got we've got stuff in here too. We don't just have an instruction manual. Look at you. All right. Official mail and certificate. Oh, it expired on December 31st, 1991. Shucks. Let's see. Please send my $10 refund. I have purchased six Capcom games. Okay, so. Oh, the refund I should have. Just turn it around. Save up to $10 when you buy Capcom video games. Oh that's neat. Glad I never did that because then I wouldn't have the super cool card. This is the poster that came with it. What have we here? The Capcom official craze club? Well. Oh, there's that picture. We've all seen this picture on the internet. Look at this dude. Look at this fella. I love this guy. Like the mullet, the hat. The whole situation here is just absolutely wonderful. And the codename Viper and DuckTales posters got some Nintendo Power line up there. What else is on this little thing here? Okay, so we've got codenamed Viper. We got Willow, DuckTales, two. Strider. Chippendale rescue Rangers. Disney's Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. And is there anything cool on the back? There's got to be something cool on back. Okay. We've got. Oh, just more stuff. We've got Mickey Mouse paid. Bionic commando coming soon. Got no box art yet. You can join the official Capcom craze club. Thank you. You've helped make Capcom a top producer of video games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. To show our appreciation, we'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse. Well, I did refuse it, thank you very much. And I still have the posters and the the inserts to prove it. On to the instruction manual. That stuff is so cool. So, Mega man two. Kind of a bland instruction manual. I'm not gonna lie. The cover here, I'm not looking so great. Capcom again in black and white as well. Still premier worldwide arcade game designer. Capcom Santa Clara, California. They moved in. My goodness. Let's see what's inside. What kind of wonderful. There's that same picture of captain. Commander. Look at you. Look at you, getting started controlling Mega man. We're not. Oh, they actually have an NES controller this time. Sort of a Famicom one. So they they definitely put a little bit more love into localizing this fella. These. This is funny. These are the same darn images from that first manual. Look at that. Those are the same pictures. I don't think I ever noticed that before. Let me grab my Mega man one manual again just to make sure I'm not crazy, but I have never noticed that before. And I don't think they even make sense in the context of the game because, they change the way the power ups look in this game. Hey, instruction manual. Where'd you get out of the box? Would you come in here? Being so difficult. All right, so Megaman one instruction manual. Let's see. It's really just reuse that. They did look at that. That's the exact same artwork from the one manual. I never noticed that before. And yeah, these, these player energy things, they look like these vertical footballs in one, but in two they are the, the big circles, but they're blinking lights at you. That is too funny. You'll learn something new every day and only get that one out of the way here. And let's continue rifling through this instruction manual to see what else we've got here. There's Mega man again. Same artwork from the first manual. They really. They really. Oh, look, they tell you where the items are found. I didn't know that in the instruction manual. Heat man. Airmen and flash man, give you items one, two and three talks about passwords, how to beat air. Man. Look at you big. Give me. Strategies right off the bat, right in the instruction manual to. And there's the artwork. I love these robot master designs. I love old Megaman artwork. And it's so cool, even in black and white. Like this. Look at wood man though. Look at that. I don't think I've ever really noticed that in the instruction manual. He's got two leaves on his chest or in any other, any time of other time. I've seen this drawing. He's just been wood. Well that's funny. And he's he holding fire. What is going on with wood man in this manual here? Why is he holding a flame? And why does he have leaves on his chest? And anybody else look weird? Everybody else looks the same. What is going on with wood? Man, that's so strange. Love it. All right. oh. And then we have all these cool, atomic chicken bubble baths. I thought they were called Baton Tannen's. That's a doctor. While used to scream in the cartoons, but the handguns. Hothead and lightning Lord, mecha monkey. These are some cool names. Fan fiend. I don't even really remember a lot of. I don't remember the names in this instruction manual. I clearly did not spend much time in the Megaman two instruction manual. I think because when I was a kid, I first got this game, as a rental. So I think I didn't really pay much attention to what else was in the box by that point, because by the time I actually got my own copy of the game, I had, pretty much been, well, through it. But there you go. That's the basics of Megaman two. An absolute masterpiece, but not my favorite. My favorite Megaman game that comes up next. And here it is for my money. This is the best Megaman game. This is one of my favorite games of all time on any platform. I absolutely adore Mega man three. So let's go ahead and get it out of the old box protector and take a look here. I'm pretty sure this is the one that I convinced my parents to get me this one. I distinctly remember, how I got right. So the. How I played for the first time. I mean, the first Mega man I played was two, which I'm pretty sure I rented. And then, my first exposure to the first was at my friend Steve's house. He had a copy and I was like, there's a mega man one. Well, of course there's it's a two, but it just never really occurred to me. But I remember being at my local, grocery store with my parents, and I saw this, available for rent, like, must have been, right. Rent. It came out because I had never heard of it before, and I was like, there's our Mega man three. And I ran over my parents and they let me rent it, and I attacked Magnet Man stage first. And I just fell in love with this game because it is so, so good. It's, the artwork on the box is really cool. This artwork has been reused a couple of times. On the first Gameboy game, and both of the mS-DOS, games, I don't own either of the DOS, games, which makes me sad. They're a couple of pieces that I would love to own in this collection. But like I was saying about this trade dress here, you've got the, the indigo on the outline. Here, let me grab my toolbox again. And you can see that this, has changed the you know, the indigo color is pretty much the same, but you can see up top here. This is Capcom Game Pack, and then they moved on to Capcom USA. So it's it's close. It's real similar with the the warrant the the warranty information at the bottom. But they changed it up just a little bit. So none of these games are ever going to line up perfectly on your shelf. But there's weird green top man and all silver Spark man for some reason. But is looking a lot more like Mega man, than he did on the cover art for one and two. And then we have on the back. Mega man three explodes in back to back robot battle. It's robot rebellion, and nobody's safe, least of all . This time, the super powerful cyborg takes on a horde of metal Maniacs who've had it with being obedient, and they use every Android annihilator ever invented to make you believe it. Oh, look at you. So let's take a closer look at three. Godness. I love this game. So here we go again. oh. I do have the styrofoam in this one. Check me out. Of course I do, because Mega man theory is my favorite. So let's see. This one is not discolored on top, which is kind of cool. Good for me. But there you go. The cartridge itself. Really nothing to write home about. Same as the box art. Looks real nice. And then the instruction manual. You've taken a huge step up on the instruction manual because this sucker is in color. Look at that. Right on the back. They're still in Santa Clara. Thank you, Capcom USA. And there's still the full, unencumbered artwork from the front of the game right there. It's gorgeous. So let's take a look at what's inside. We've got an full color on the inside. We have given up on Captain Commando, and instead we're getting a message from Joe Morrissey, vice president of Capcom USA. Thanks. Let's say a special message from Capcom. Thank you for selecting the exciting and fun filled three. This is the latest edition in Capcom's library video games. Following such hits as and Mega man to Mega man three. Thanks for pointing out that there was a one and a two continues the direction of action packed, family oriented games for the Nintendo Entertainment System. Look at that. We've got a nice table of contents. This is a much nicer presentation than the first two instruction manuals, for sure. And that's one of the things I love about this game in general is its presentation. So here's the story. The story breakdown, where Doctor White and Doctor White and Doctor Light and Doctor Wily. Oh, no. I forgot to check if he was still doctor right in Mega man two, as he is. He, doctor right here. Let's see. Mega man, we need you. We're down to our bloody bloody. Well, I don't think they say his name here, but he's teamed back. Oh, yeah. This is Doctor Light. Over and out. So we're. We're at light in three. Let's take another look at two. Was it still doctor. Right. And Mega man two I want to say it was. Doo doo doo doo doo. Mega man to show me doctor, right? Energy. So we don't really have much of a story in here. Passwords? Yeah, there really wasn't anything describing this game story, was there? Just getting started. Controlling Mega man energy passwords. Yeah, the instruction manual just kind of skipped right over telling any kind of story, and I honestly can't remember in the game if it's I want to say it's Doctor Light in the game, but I don't see any mention of them at all in the manual. Oh my goodness, what a mystery. But anyway, I'm sure somebody out there has the answer and they'll be happy to correct me on the internet because that's what the internet is for. Look at these, look at these images. These are so much cooler looking. They got the right energy pellets. And look at this artwork though. It is so pretty. The scheme introduced rush and is slide move. But look at the robot Masters. You got them in full color. This artwork is phenomenal. Magnet man is my favorite robot master. I love his design. I love the red on black. He's so cool looking man. Look at all this. And look there's all the , one and two Robot Masters all grouped together because this one, you had two doc robot stages and they were super awesome. You had to like, go back to the original stages and then fight Robot Masters from Mega man two, with the three weapons, which was fun. Let me get a little ad for Rescue Rangers and Ventures, the Magic Kingdom and two straight up blank pages and awarding do not use with front or rear projection TV. Don't worry, I don't have any of them. Well there you go. Mega man three I adore Mega man three. It's just it's such a good game and such a great presentation. Like this is great packaging. I love the way this all looks. Let us move on to the next game. You guessed it, following Megaman three was four. Here it is. Hey, this is probably my least favorite of the main line numbered Megaman games. This one does match Megaman three. You can see it's Capcom USA there. My box has seen better days. It's got a little crushed over the years, but it's still perfectly functional. I do like the artwork. I always loved Pharaoh Man's design. There's just something about this game that felt off to me. This was where they introduced the charge shot. And the charge shot really just kind of cancels out the game's music a lot, which is kind of annoying. Russian robots on rampage. For a year, the city has been quiet, but a new robotic terror has gripped the city. That scheming scientist, Doctor Cossack, has arrived in town with eight new metal maniacs who are bigger and better than anything Doctor Wily ever dreamed of. Surprise! Doctor wily dreamed of them. Actually, I'm not sure. I think they maybe maybe were created by Doctor Cossack, but, Doctor Wily just kind of took control. I'm not really sure how that works. I don't remember the details because they don't really do a lot of explaining in the game, but all right, so there's the box for Mega man four. Looks good. There's the cartridge for four. Also looks good. And it's faded on top just like my other ones. I wonder why three isn't faded. I wonder if I have got myself a newer copy or three before I put everything back in their boxes. And then we have the four instruction manual. Looks just like the three instruction manual. Again, nice, high quality, full color. Joe. See, thanks us for buying four following such hits as three and two, it basically just reworded the same thing and changed the numbers. Good for you. We've got a little bit of story in here, I believe. Oh, yeah. There's a story, from Doctor Korsak who signed signed his, his letter. Where's the artwork, though? Let's see. The, let's get some of the robot master art. We've got these pictures here, which are. Okay. It's a little red outlines. Yeah. Everything's ready. Oh, there we go. There's the Robot masters. Look at these guys. Even my least favorite main game is still a flippin awesome game. I love these guys, Dave. Man. So huge to dust, man. Drill man, ring man, ring man. What a silly idea for a robot master. I liked how they used to be really up front with what they were designed for. I always look at ring Man and say, well, you're a jeweler robot. What's that about anyways? Yeah, that's four. I don't have a ton to say about this one. Advertising tailspin in the back. I like the game. I don't love it. So let us move on to five. And here it is. Thank you. Man five. There it is. I love this artwork. This cover art is so cool because Gravity Man's design is so awesome. Look at this guy. He's humongous. We've also changed the Capcom spine again to just Capcom, not Capcom USA. So again, it doesn't match. But this is the first one where we got this font for . Which is real nice. He's looking even more like he looks in the games. There's Proto Man in the background, wherever the heck that guy is, and a giant gravity man just shooting lightning out of his hands, which doesn't happen in the game. But let's see on the back of the box here, we've got the vengeance of predator, man. Proto man has gone berserk. Destroying half the city was not enough. Now he is snatched Doctor light and is holding him and the entire city hostage. Speeding to the rescue is and his modified Mega Buster. But eight of Proto Man's cybernetic soldiers plan to send to the scrapheap for good. After the big twist of Doctor Classic. And, the last one I would never believe for a minute that Proto Man was actually in charge of, in charge of the bad guys in this game, because guess what? It's Doctor Riley again. Spoiler alert. So, no styrofoam in that one. Here's five. Here's the cartridge. Ooh, this has got a little dust up here, and, got a little kind of little ding going on there. That's fine. But it's also not discolored. It's pretty good condition, all things considered. There's my cartridge. And here's the box once again following the exact same formula to get the, unobstructed full artwork right there. And the title. Same color scheme, same Joma AC oh, look at this. And following such hits as Megaman four and Gargoyles Quest two. Wow. Okay, gargoyles Twist quest two is a cool game, but I'm not sure I'd call it a hit. It's a pretty uncommon game. A lot of people haven't even played that, but here we go. Nice artwork of Proto Man there. Where's this really? This is just following the same exact template as the previous ones. Which won't be the same for the next one. And I will explain why when we get there, but there is still some great artwork reason those same pictures again from the previous game, it looks like. Except the Mega Tank I don't think was in for, where's the Robot Masters? I see them on the next page. Come on, turn the page. You can do it. There we are. Oh, look at these guys. So this one had such great designs. Gravity man is amazing. Name Paul man is one of my favorites. Look at that guy. He's awesome looking. Crystal man's cool star man is absurd. Look at this guy. What are you doing, star man? You look ridiculous. Charge man is pretty cool. I don't know why you make a half train robot, but whatever. And Stone man. Which is funny, because in Japan, 's rock man says rock band or Stone man. Hahaha, I don't know, it's page and a limited warranty. And there you go. That's five. So that's the first five published by Capcom for NES, but the next one is a little bit weird. Hold on. This is six and you will notice something very different about this game because this was not published by Capcom in North America. In fact, six was published by Nintendo here in North America. Which is why, you don't have the, the Capcom list, up on the side there. In fact, this matches all of the rest of Nintendo's, first party games from this era where it's just a single color, logo and the Nintendo Entertainment System logo down here on the bottom. But they were nice enough to at least keep it the same color. So when you line them all up, it doesn't look too terrible. So, you know, I guess that's not nothing. Why did my care? Oh, my light went out. That's very strange. Anyways, well, I guess I'll keep going. You can still see. This is fine. Why did my light go out? That's very strange. Where the light going? Oh. And that brings us to six. Now you might notice something is a little different about this one. This doesn't say Capcom anywhere on the, the front of the box here or the side, because this was published by Nintendo in North America. Nintendo themselves published six, not the mighty Capcom. So, this matches more of the, the the way regular Nintendo, first party titles looked with. And in ten minutes, this team is still on the. And last but not least, we have six. This here is the last NES game released in North America, and you might notice something a little bit different about this one. This does not say Capcom on the, the front or on the sides of the box, because here in North America, six was actually published by Nintendo. So it has their red stripe on the top. It actually matches their, the way all their, their games looked. See the Nintendo Entertainment System logo on the bottom, the flat color and the game's logo up on the top. And that's I've always thought that was pretty cool, that this was, published by Nintendo. They had, you know, a commercial with this and Star Tropics Sodas Revenge together, here in North America. And, they were nice enough to keep this color, so at least it does kind of match in that respect. But again, lining all six of these up, they just don't really they don't look like a set, which is fun, but also not fun for people who are like me. But anyways, let's see. six let the games begin from the United States, Canada and Japan. They came. The world's premier designers and their finest robotic warriors traveled to do battle in the first annual robot tournament. But what began as a game suddenly took a terrifying twist. On the eve of the Grand Championship, the sponsor of the event announced that the entire tournament was just an elaborate scheme to get his hands on the world's most powerful robots. Now, faced with an army of metallic mercenaries, must fight a ferocious new foe, the mysterious Doctor Wily. I mean, Mister X. Yeah, it's Doctor Wily again, because it's always Doctor Wily. But look at this box art. Isn't that lovely at night? Man down there, this guy who's just in one of the stages and, wind man throwing fans about got beat right there on the cover in the cool rush armor. That made its debut in this game. So let's take a look at what's on the inside. I wish I had saved all of the inserts for all of these things. two one has them, and yet none of the rest of these did. Although there's looks to be a note in here. I'll get that in a second. Let's see. six, this is my copy. I remember getting this one brand new because I was old enough at this point. I picked this up at toys R us, and I couldn't be happier. There it is. And then here's the booklet, which looks like Nintendo's booklets instead of Capcom's. And. Oh, look, I made a little note for myself on what, what weapons beat. What, what everyone's weaknesses are. That's funny. So. Yeah, here we go. This is, this is the way Nintendo's manuals looked right at the end of the Nintendo seal quality in their, and their their contents all laid out. They had pretty much the same, the same layout for all their manuals. But boy, this is full of some really great artwork. God, look at that. That looks so good. And it does seem to have a little bit in common with, Capcom's books, too, right? With these these purple bars up top. So it's kind of like a mishmash between Capcom's and Nintendo's manuals here. Which is pretty neat to look at. Again, we're we're looking at these cool little outline drawings for the, the power ups. Where's the Robot Masters, though? Do we have, a page that breaks down the Robot Masters? Did I just skip it? I think I did. I think it's page 16. These are stuck together. There they are. Oh, look at you. They're so cool. The sizes are way off. Why is Knight Man so tiny? That's weird, but. Yeah. Look at all these guys. Flame man stage is so cool. Stage has such great music. Blizzard man's needs. I think Blizzard Man and Knight Man were the ones that won the Nintendo Power contest because these, these robot masters, some of them were submitted by fans. And there you go. That is the complete run of games on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Their boxes and manuals and such. But I do have more than that for a regular . I don't have a complete collection of , but I do have a lot of other stuff. So let's run down some of my favorites before we close this out. So let's finish up with numbers first, shall we? And let's do. Oh, got this thing still over here. Let's finish up with numbers and move on to seven. I cannot believe how much money this game is worth. It's wild to me. Look, this one up on price charting. See how spicy this game got? I bought this brand new at the electronics boutique in my Hamilton Mall because I was a huge fan. And I adore this game. I know there's a contingent offend the fandom out there that kind of hates this game. And I get it because like the the actual amount of stage I have to play in is smaller because of, just because of the, the, the sprites are so much bigger. But I love the art direction in this so much. The music is fantastic. And you know what? Maybe this isn't my original box because I don't remember ever coloring that in. I wonder why that's like that. Hmhm. Kind of driving me nuts here, but I know I remember buying this one new at the at the mall, but oh, whatever. I think this is a reproduction of the cardboard insert, but there's my cartridge. That is also slightly yellowed, like, all of my other cartridges. But there's the, the artwork on there. And here is the instruction manual with this ad for these totally wacky looking action figures that I'm pretty sure are based on the cartoon. Oh, we forgot to read the back of the box. Let's see. Not even prison can keep Doctor Riley down. Doctor Riley's crusade to rule the world ends abruptly at the hands of . So what's a villain to do? Create a diversion and break out of prison? Haha, yeah. Good times. This really does follow continuity with six. Pretty spot on. I do love this funny m belt buckle. That 's rockin. That's pretty fun. So seven actually took took. The the whole series is visual style in a different direction. It's that everyone's a little bit more detailed. I really love the look of the characters in in seven. This introduced, bass and treble as sort of like 's new rivals. There's Doctor Wily again. Let's see. Let's get to the Robot Masters on this one. Because this has got this game has got such great artwork. The super adapter had some more capabilities in this one. You could, like, power up the fist and it flies all the way across the screen. You can get Proto Man's shield. There's a sharp just shaped like a giant Eddie, which is great. Auto. The shopkeeper made his debut in this game. Does this even have a page with other error? There we are. There they are. They're really small. But again, like you can see, there's a lot more detail in the shading on these, these character designs. Whereas the one through six were a lot flatter. But they still fit the, the overall style that goes for. And Junk Man, such a cool unfreeze man is great. I love this game. If you've never given this one a try. The current collections on modern platforms are very easy to get your hands on. I highly recommend it. This game is a blast. Following seven comes eight. I have both the PlayStation and Saturn versions. this one. However, right here. This one makes me incredibly sad. This one I actually got off of a friend of mine. This is not the first printing. I had a first printing of the Mega man eight for PlayStation, which had, a exclusive art artbook inside of it. There was a little mini art book that came with it. This one did not. But it was stolen from me. My house was broken into, and somebody stole a whole bunch of my games a long, long time ago. And I was never able to, claim my original Mega man eight again, which always made me sad. But here is, Mega man eight for PlayStation one. What? A gigantic explosion in space sends two strange meteors crashing to Earth. A desperate call for help goes out. speeds to the site and arrives just in time to see his arch rival, Doctor Wily, fleeing the scene, and must uncover the secret of the mysterious meteors in a race to stay one step ahead of Doctor Wily and his deadly breed of superpowered robots. This game is amazing because it's constantly animated cutscenes that are just pure anime, and they look and sound and just like 90s anime, which is it just fills me with nostalgia. But, the voice acting in this is hysterical. If you've never heard, Doctor Light, who sounds just like Elmer Fudd for some reason, it is simply amazing. And then you have the Saturn version, which is obviously the boxes much larger. Edition includes exclusive eight art. I don't have I don't know if this one came with an art book or if the artist somewhere in the game. I never really quite understood that, but you can see the disc is a little bit different. My manual's got a little, little cut on it there. I got this one when I worked at Fun Colon, and I got it second hand, so I don't I don't know if they actually had an art book somewhere, but let me call for did you know, here's the, the inside of the instructions. Here's all the, the Robot Masters, doctor wily looking much more super villainy than, in previous games or Space and Trouble or back and Tank Man, proto man, Eddie flip top a really, really cool manual. I love Saturn Manuals because they're so big and so readable. Let's see, did the PlayStation one was the PlayStation one in color? I don't recall. I want to say it. No, it wasn't still black and white. I don't think the original one was either. But yeah, same contents, basically just tailored to PlayStation and on smaller pages and, some, some more, order form stuff from Capcom's. There's eight. Amusingly enough, the first mainline numbered game to not show up on a Nintendo console. So let's see what's next. Next, in the chronological order of things comes Megaman and Bass. Technically, this one came after Megaman eight and was released on Super Famicom, but never came out in North America in its original form, but it did get ported to Game Boy Advance and the Game Boy Transports. I don't like very much. I don't like this game very much, but you better believe I bought it that they came out. I think I was working at Game Crazy at the time and you know, new game for my Game Boy Advance. Got to have it. So I bought that this one brand new. And here's what the, the cart looks like. It's pretty simplistic, actually. There's not much artwork on this, just some some clouds in the logo. And then there's the instruction manual. Oh, goodness. This was for the 15th anniversary. It's. He joined and basis fight for humankind as you face off with the newest menace in town, Robot King. I'll give you three guesses who the real final boss is. And it's not King. So the instruction manual here, this is a I think it's a full color one, right? Yeah. Mega man and base and full color Gameboy advanced manuals were pretty nice. There's king, there's Doctor Wily, the same exact art from Mega man A this key reused a lot of assets from eight. And in fact, it reused two of the Robot Masters from eight Astro man and ten man come back in this one, in addition to some really cool new bosses. This game is so unbelievably frustrating, though I cannot recommend playing the like. You've got to track down the Super Famicom version, and you've got to play with some sort of save states because holy cow, I have beaten all the mainline Mega man games. And yes, they can be frustrating and they can be difficult, but I have never faced a more unreasonable one than this. This game is just. It just misses the mark. And honestly, if it had a number in it, it would take the top spot of my least favorite mainline numbered Megaman game from Megaman four. But since it's actually sort of like, eight and a half, then it kind of gets a pass. But yeah, I'm not a huge fan of this game. It's okay. It's still Mega man. It's got some good music, some cool visuals, and great Robot Master designs, but not the series finest hour. Now. Unfortunately, I do not own a physical copy of Megaman nine and ten. You can get them on a cartridge, on the switch or other platforms as part of the Mega man, Legacy collection. I think it's called, but I do have this guy right here. I got this special collector's edition of Mega man 11, which came with this super awesome amiibo. I flippin love this thing. So yes, I never did get around to buying the physical version of the Mega man, Anniversary Collection anniversary collection. No legacy collection for switch, and I really should just so that I can physically have nine and ten somewhere. Those games are great. Mega man nine and ten, especially nine I think is phenomenal. But this game, I feel like doesn't get talked about as as much as it should, because Mega man 11 was so good. Look at this redesign for Mega man. It's still the same basic character, but they just kind of leveled him up a little bit. I love the way he looked in this game. I love this amiibo. And this special edition came with the amiibo and this cloth. So yay! It's got all the Robot Masters on it. I'm. That's not easy. Let's see. Can I crack this open nice and easily to show off the. It's basically just got the the the boss selection stage on a cleaning cloth of sorts. Which I guess is neat. Here's a very strange little bonus to get, but I needed to have that amiibo because I love amiibo and I think it looks awesome. But here is Mega man 11 for Nintendo Switch. A lot of people bought this digitally, but there were physical versions. But this game is great. It does. It it re fixed. This game had a really hard job ahead of it. It needed to have, it needed to be a sequel to both Mega man eight and Mega man ten, because after nine and ten were both eight bit throwbacks that basically followed up Mega man two. As far as, like gameplay is concerned. So, you know, this is a fun little ad and here there's no real instruction manual. I think 11 did a great job. It's a little bit of a short game because it's, you know, it doesn't really stray from the structure of, your traditional Megaman games, but these, legacy collections, one and two are great. And Mega man 11 is a really, really cool game if you slept on it. If you're a mega man fan, give it a try. It is well worth your time. It's super cool. All right. Traveling back in time a little bit. We have this. This is, not real. This is a, reproduction of Megaman The Wily Wars, which was only released officially in North America on Sega Genesis pretty recently from Retro bit. But this is a repro that my wife bought me years and years and years ago, that this game was released in North America as part of the Sega Channel, which is the only way you were able to play this game before. This is a remake of Mega man one through three with a new set of levels at the end called Wiley Tower, where you can select whatever weapons you got from the first three Mega man games to face off against three new Robot Masters, and all new levels. It's a really, really cool thing. There's the, the bootleg cartridge. You can see. It's like it's too shiny. The the aspect ratio is ever so slightly off, but how it works in my genesis. And that's pretty cool. This is an and a claim, Sega Genesis case of the artwork really does look, look great. This looks nice on my shelf, lined up with all of my other genuine games. But yeah, this is just kind of a kind of a cheat. But it's such an interesting game. It's not a great game. Like they really change the physics on it, but it is. They didn't just do a quick, quick and dirty 1 to 1 port. They they took their time to make this into a Genesis game. If you've never tried it out, it's available on Nintendo Switch Online. And various other way, various other means. Currently it is a very, very interesting Mega man game. Speaking of interesting Mega man games, we have Mega man soccer. This this this is such a strange game. I remember, I don't think, I think the only place I had ever seen this mentioned was, at my local, rental place. And I actually bought this one relatively recently off of a friend of mine. I always wanted to have this game, and it just it it's always been one of those things. It's kind of hard to find and pretty expensive when you do. But I was able to get it for a decent deal, and. Yeah. Here it is. Mega man soccer for Super Nintendo, which is exactly what is written on the box. It's a game of soccer, with Mega man characteristics like this was a rental copy at some point. That's pretty cool. So let's see the back of the box. Doctor wily will stop at nothing to control the world. And who would have thought his next move would be to attack the world's most popular sport? Doctor light is ready, and he's preparing Mega man for a new type of battle. This game is bonkers. It's actually pretty fun once you kind of get the hang of it. It's. I believe it is legitimately unfinished, if I remember correctly reading something about that. But. Hey, look, it's Joe Morrissey again. Thanks, Joe. Good. Good job. There's not a. You just play soccer with these various Megaman characters? And they all have their own unique moves. And they span all. I think the first for any games, maybe five. I don't remember for sure. I want to say one through four for sure. Yeah. Dust. Man and woman and Pharaoh man. This one doesn't have a list of all the robot masters in it. Oh, wait. Yeah it does. Here we go. Robot characters. So in this game, you can play as Megaman, Skull Man, Flashman, Bubba man, toad man, cut man, Gemini Man, Ice man, needle Needleman, top man, fireman, ferryman, anchor from the Game Boy games. Snake man, elec man, wood man, bomb in front of man, dust man and air man. And the last boss is against Doctor Wily, I think. Yeah. Like I said, look into the development of this one. It's got a really neat history because I pretty sure it is legitimately unfinished. It is such a strange game to even exist. But here we are. It exists. I'm holding it in my hand. It's a weird Mega man spinoff. That's real. I'm going to bring this one up, specifically the PlayStation two game. This first, I believe, came out on Gamecube and it had, all the original, one through seven, no. One through eight Mega man games. And it had, like, you know, the remixed music. The two arcade games were unlockable, but the Gamecube version is one of the few games in my life I've ever actually traded in. Because the jump and shoot buttons were reversed. So I traded them in and I grabbed the PlayStation two one. This was also released on the original Xbox. If you are to track this down, get the Xbox for two ones. Do not waste your time with the terrible Gamecube version. Also, the Gamecube controller is just not great for Mega man because the D-pad is tiny and not easy to use. So, but this is a this is a great collection. It's been rendered mostly useless by the more modern collections, except this does have those arcade games in it, which is pretty cool. And maybe you had battle and Chase in it too. I'm not sure. Let's see, we got Mega man trading cards advertised in the bags and Mega man action figures. The Mega man cartoon on DVD. Gotta love the look at this costume. Absolutely hysterical. You guys gotta love this. This is ridiculous. Yeah, that you could unlock at least the two arcade games, maybe battle and Chase, but, yeah, there's the. This is a nice collection, with some really cool menu stuff. Some some remixed music that you can play the games through with. It is a lovely, lovely thing. I played the heck out of this back in the day. I probably will rarely, if ever go back to it because like I said, more modern ones have taken its place. But still, this is a really great, great thing to get your hands on. It's, it's a wonderful thing to have for your PlayStation two. And that just leaves handheld Mega man games, which I have almost all of. I. Let's start with the Game Boy ones. I don't have boxes and manuals for these because, the boxes of manuals for these are extremely difficult to find. And when you do, they're very expensive. And I'm missing Mega man four. It's the only mainline Mega man game. Outside of, like, some of the really weird stuff like the DOS games that I don't have. But the first one here is Mega man in Doctor Wiley's Revenge, which is neat. It incorporates, what was neat about these games that were released in Japan is Mega man World Series outside Rockman World, and they, like, combine elements from two different Mega man games. So this combines, Robot Masters from Mega man one and two, two combines from two and three, which again has there's that artwork I was talking about. This is the same picture that's on the front of Mega man three for, and he has just, jiggled the background a little bit. So Mega man two, my copy, has seen better days. Mega man two is hilarious for Game Boy because it is a slightly better game than Mega man one. But they bought the music and when I say bought the music, it sounds like. The music is all composed really well, but it's really squiggly, high pitched for some reason, like they inputted them an octave too high. It is such a strange soundtrack to listen to. Mega man three here, has some pretty cool cover art to get out of there. Oh, there we go. Here's my Mega man three. This is combines. This was one and two. This two and three. This three and four. Robot masters from three and four together. And four combines Robot Masters from four and five. However, Mega man five for Game Boy is its own unique creature. Mega man five for Game Boy. Actually has its own unique set of Robot Masters that doesn't take elements from previous games. It, just kind of creates its own unique thing. It's got super Gameboy support, so you can play it with some light colored effects, and you can also have a unique border. These Gameboy Mega man games, they're not quite as good as their counterparts, but they are legitimately good Mega man games and well worth tracking down. I am so angry that these have not been released in sort of in any sort of compilation. They were put on the 3DS eShop, but that's no longer a viable option. What has never been rereleased, ever, in any form, as far as I know, is this fella right here. This is Mega man for Game Gear. Again, I only have the cartridge because the box and manual, are really hard to track down when you do. They are worth a ton of money. I picked this one up the other day. It got traded in at my Funko land way back in the day. I could not pass this one up. This is not a great game. This actually combines elements of Mega man four and five together, similar to the, Rockman World Gameboy games. Except it does a really bad job of the screen crunch. Like, they didn't change the size of the sprites or really adapt it to not be on a full sized screen. So this is not a great game to play. Music is surprisingly good, for the chirpy Game Gear style sound. It's quite an oddity. It's not really worth the money to track down, but I'm glad I have one myself. That leaves Mega man powered up, which is, such a sadly overlooked game on the PSP. This game is great. This is a full on remake of the first Mega man. Except it's done in this adorable chibi style, which I wasn't the hugest fan of at the time. But then I played the game, and not only does the style work pretty well in game, but the music has been remade spectacularly. And this has such a great story. It's it's put together, it's fully voiced. It's got really solid voice acting. And it goes through this, like story segments for Mega man one. And if you beat the Robot Masters without using special abilities, you can restart the game and play the game as the Robot Masters, which is so cool. It also upped the, number from 6 to 8, introducing, two new Robot Masters, Time Man and Oil Man. It's got a level creator. There's there's so much in this that this game has never been rereleased as a tragedy. I wish Capcom would would make it happen. I heard there was something to do with, like, the source code's missing or something. I hear those rumors all the time. I have no idea how to substantiate it, but if you have a PSP track down this game, it is way better than you're thinking it is. And last but not least, I have this. This is there were three LCD Mega man games Mega man two, Mega man three, and to on a watch. This is from Tiger. I put some batteries in it so we can. Let it do its thing here. No. Not off. Start and start. Let's start playing. Oh, yeah. Look at that. Look at that. I've never been as big a fan of these, Tiger LCD games as other people I know. I know some of my friends had these things. I've just never really thought much of them. They're interesting, like, they're interesting things, but, I just never thought they were all that fun. So. But this is the Megaman three one. You can see gamma in the background there. Kind of a strange looking Megaman sprite, but there's that. Megaman three artwork again. Runs on two AA batteries, Tiger Electronics and that's it. That is my Megaman Original Series collection. That, you know, I have some X games and Battle Network, etc. but the original recipe, Mega man is my favorite. And that is. That's everything I got. [00:00:06][0.0]

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