
The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum

SAG Podcast 515: The Best Super NES Soundtracks Part 2

SAG Podcast 515: The Best Super NES Soundtracks Part 2

Kris Randazzo
2 minute read

May-nia is BACK... again! What’s the best SNES soundtrack of all time?   

Show Notes

On this week’s podcast, it’;s time for the conclusion of May-nia 2024! This year’s topic is Super NES soundtracks, and Dan is making Kris make some dreadful decisions. He’s plugged IGN’s best SNES games of all time list into a tournament-style bracket system and is making Kris choose which ones he likes best. Round one had some easy choices in there, but this time around it’s going to be even tougher to choose. What will happen?

This is a shorter show than usual because of a scheduling conflict, so sadly there’s no Week Old News, What's New at SAG, or any of our other regular segments. Things should return to normal next week.

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