
The Gratuitous Rainbow Spectrum

More Cartoon Beat em Ups Please!

More Cartoon Beat em Ups Please!

Kris Randazzo
6 minute read

Beat em ups are awesome, and it sure does seem like we’re living in a golden age of them right now. Streets of Rage 4 was nothing short of a masterpiece, but I’m actually talking about something a bit more specific. Cartoon-style beat em ups. For as great as stuff like Double Dragon Gaiden is, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge seems to have kicked off a renaissance of sorts in terms of making awesome beat em ups based on cool kids action properties, and I’m so excited about it. 

Toxic Crusaders has been floating out there in the world for quite some time. It’s been playable at various showcases, and it looks like a blast. Absolutely fantastic choice for a brawler, too. It’s such a niche property, and you know what? It doesn’t even matter. Enough people remember it existing to make it a surefire hit, and I’m in. 

Then we have GI Joe: Wrath of Cobra. Another spectacular choice for a classic beat 'em up. This one seems like a cross between a traditional brawler and a shooter, which is awesome.  It looks ridiculous. I’m not even a GI Joe fan, and I still think this one looks like a blast. 

Finally, we have Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, which honestly looks like the best of all (to me personally). Again, I’ve never really been a huge fan of this property, but even when I was younger I thought it was weird that nobody made a TMNT clone out of the Power Rangers. Granted, there have been a few beat em ups over the years, but nothing that quite captures that energy of a proper 90s arcade release. This game looks nuts, and I can not wait to play it. 

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But that’s what we know about, and if I know anything about the video game industry is if there’s something out there that works, everyone is going to try and copy it. I fully expect more brawlers trying to capitalize on the nostalgia train Shredder’s Revenge launched. The question is, which properties are left to utilize? Obviously new Simpsons or X-Men games would be more than welcome. Well, X-Men way more than The Simpsons. No offense to the original game (which is spectacular) but the Simpsons popularity isn’t what it once was. 

So barring those two, which nostalgic properties would make for awesome arcade style beat em ups? Here are my picks. 

First, and the most obvious, is Masters of the Universe. Really, just about any old property that was designed to sell toys is going to be great for this kind of game. Tell me you wouldn’t play a Care Bears beat em up! But back to Masters of the Universe, there are so many cool character designs in that property that it’s amazing this hasn’t happened already. It’s not like there haven’t been Masters of the Universe games in the past either. Quite the contrary! 

But imagine riding a Battle Cat, facing off against the forces of Skeletor, teaming up with the likes of Mat at Arms, Teela, Fisto, and even Orko? It would be amazing. 

Next up, Thundercats. Just like Masters of the Universe, this basically makes itself! The Thundercats really haven’t had a very good go of it lately either, what with the disastrous Thundercats Roar cartoon. The property is way past due for something truly awesome, and a 90s style arcade brawler is just the ticket! 

While we’re in the 80s, I would be thrilled, THRILLED, to see a Voltron beat 'em up. Similar to Power Rangers, they would have to think a little outside the box to incorporate Voltron himself into the action, but at the very least, you could have all the pilots team up for traditional brawler levels, then other stages with they’re all piloting their various cats, then some sort of ultimate team up stage where everyone has to work together to pilot Voltron and beat some sort of Robeast. This show has such an iconic cast of characters, and some absolutely amazing music, that this would be such an incredible game if done right. 

Skipping ahead a generation or so, I think Gargoyles would make for an absolutely amazing beat 'em up. A beautifully animated bawler with Goliath and the bunch roaming the streets at night, beating up bad guys, Demona, Macbeth, The Pack, all leading up to some sort of showdown with Xanatos, probably using some wacky tech or magic or something. Sign me the heck up. 

What would be so cool about this game though would be the stages themselves. The Gargoyles series went through so many cool environments over the years, it could be a genuine globe trotting and even time traveling escapade! I love this idea so much. 

But the one I want most of all is Dragon Ball Z. I want this so badly, and I want it to completely ignore power levels, just like the X-Men arcade game. It’s gotta be almost completely non-canon, because following the actual plot wouldn’t make any sense, and really, who would the cannon fodder baddies even be? Saibamen? But if they just make some wacky mishmash of the movies and anime series, it could be great. 

I’m thinking early Z too, so no Super Saiyans, or at least very little in terms of that. I just want to play a cool beat em up where Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Yamcha, Tien, Krillin and Chiaotzu can all play together beating the snot out of bad guys, and fighting way too hard against bosses like Raditz or Turles, or Lord Slug. Heck, fit Vegeta and Trunks in there too. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to be fun. I don’t know, this idea is vague at best, but all I know is that I want it. 

So what do you think? Did I forget about anything super obvious? What properties would you like to see turned into beat em ups? Maybe more animated sitcoms like Family Guy or Bob's Burgers? Heck, I’m down for anything. Just keep the fun brawlers a-coming!  

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