Select Method:
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Send in and wait for payment.
This method is a basic a trade-in where the customer sends in their flash cart and receives payment once flash cart is received and tested.
- Advantages:
- Can choose between store credit or PayPal payment.*
- No deposit required.
- No purchase required.
- Disadvantages:
- Can not apply to an immediate purchase.
- Do not receive store credit until after trade-in(s) are received and tested.
- Great for customers who ...
- ... are not in a rush.
- ... do not want to pay a deposit.
- ... prefer cash instead of store credit or plan on purchasing from Stone Age Gamer in the future.

Apply credit now, hold order.
This method gives instant credit to the customer to apply to an order immediately. The order will be held until the trade-in is received.
- Advantages:
- No deposit required.
- Apply it to your next order immediately.
- Disadvantages:
- Requires placing an order within 7 days of trade form submission.
- Order will be held until trade-in is received and inspected.
- Great for customers who...
- ... want to apply it to an immediate order.
- ... aren't in a rush to receive their order.
- ... currently have no plans to purchase from Stone Age Gamer in the future.

Apply credit now, ship order.
This method gives instant credit to the customer to apply to an order immediately. The order will be shipped as soon as possible. DEPOSIT REQUIRED.
- Advantages:
- Apply it to your next order immediately.
- Your order will be shipped without waiting for trade-in.
- Disadvantages:
- Must pay full deposit of trade-in value (deposit will be refunded once trade-in is received, inspected, and tested).
- Must pay full deposit of trade-in value (deposit will be refunded once trade-in is received, inspected, and tested).
- Great for customers who ...
- ... want to apply it immediately to an order.
- ... do not want to wait for the order to ship.
- ... currently have no plans to purchase from Stone Age Gamer in the future.
* Selecting PayPal as your payout method reduces trade-in value by 25%.