
Pre-order Batch Status



Status Meaning
ORDERED FROM MFR. Stone Age Gamer has placed an order with the manufacturer of this batch's product.
SHIPPED TO SAG FROM MFR. The manufacturer has shipped this batch to Stone Age Gamer.
ARRIVED AT U.S. CUSTOMS. This batch has arrived at U.S. Customs for processing.
WITHIN U.S. Batch is within U.S. & should be arriving at Stone Age Gamer soon.
CUSTOM In certain cases Stone Age Gamer may use a custom status for a batch.


* Last date status was confirmed, however the status may have not changed.

** ETA estimates are not a guarantee. ETA is when Stone Age Gamer will receive the batch, not an estimate when the customer will receive their order. If ETA is not updating as expected check if there are notes attached to batch with more information. You may request a full refund at anytime on pre-orders before they ship.

† What percentage of this batch is still available for pre-order.